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Item#: TIDK4000
產品名稱: TIDES 備用密封墊片組 4"

Tides Marine Spare Rudder Seal Carriers were developed as a convenient place to store spare lip seals and as a tool for making the job of seal replacement easier. They are a recommended accessory for every type of Tides Marine PORT/BEARINGS.

Installed at the same time as the RPB, they allow lip seal replacement to be performed without uncoupling the stock from the steering system or dropping the rudder.

The unit is a lightweight, two-piece plastic housing which is affixed on the stock between the Tides font color=#008080>Marine RPB unit and upper rudder bearing. Available in all common stock sizes, each unit comes with a seal and protective cone for installation.

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網路價: $600 (NTD)
網路價: $600 (NTD)
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