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Item#: 3MHP-255
產品名稱: 3M HIGH PERFORMANCE OIL SORBENT PAD 高效能吸油棉 17" x 19" 一片可吸 1.5 加侖(約6公升)
網路價: $70 元 (NTD)
參考庫存: 目前有庫存

High capacity petroleum sorbent pads have a scrim on one side to increase strength and help eliminate linting. Conveniently sized pads allow the user to quickly spread sorbent over and in the path of a spill.

This highly sorbent pad features a low-profile design, so that it can be easily placed in tight areas. Ideal for cleaning up small spills and wiping down contaminated areas. Each bale sorbs 33 gallons and contains 50 pads (each 17 inch by 19 inch).


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