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Item#: SEM10534
產品名稱: Semco Teak Sealer GAL. Honeytone
Model: 10534

Long lasting protection. Lasts throughout the season and can be maintained / renewed without unnecessary deep cleaning or stripping.

SEMCO Teak Sealer is a solvent based sealer which contains pigments, UV inhibitors and moisture protection. SEMCO Teak Sealer is manufactured in several shades.

Once applied, your teak will not turn grey or allow the growth of mildew. Surface soil can be washed away with mild detergent, and with seasonal recoating the teak will be preserved in its original state for many years.

Before After

Honeytone - the most popular choice for our furniture customers. This shade gives the wood a rich "honey" colour, similar to the colour of the wood when it is new.

SEMCO does not contain silicone, varnish, polymers or exotic oils.

Coverage: Approximately 30m2/gallon (2 Coats required for initial application to give an even finish)

UK & European Suppliers


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